Arsenal's Hector Bellerin thanks Chelsea star Cesc Fabregas for making move happen

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Hector Bellerin says Cesc Fabregas was pivotal in his move to Arsenal

The 20-year-old left Barcelona's academy in 2011 to join the north London club - a move identical to the one made as a youngster.

And Bellerin admits it was Fabregas' rise into the Arsenal first team that inspired him to make the switch.

He said: "Cesc was a big inspiration. To see someone who made the same move and success, for me it was very important to see that happen.

"It was an important move for me, moving away from my family and friends and my city.

"But to see someone has succeeded as I said was really important and he showed that if you work hard, if you want it enough, you will always have a chance."

And that chance has been duly taken by , who snapped up the right-back position following an injury to Mathieu Debuchy.

The Spain under21 international made 20 Premier League appearances for the Gunners last season and has certainly given Arsene Wenger a selection headache ahead of the new season.

And he admits, whilst it's going to be tough, he want to hold on to a place in the starting XI.

He told magazine: "I know it is going to be really hard because Debuchy's back and I don't know whether Carl [Jenkinson] is going to be back so it is definitely going to be challenge.

"But, as I say, at the beginning of last season I thought my season was going to be totally different to what it was so when you ask me how I think it is going to be, I simply don't know. All I will do is work hard and try to cement my place in the starting XI."

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