Sanchez Is Staying & Will Not Be Sold To A Premier League Rival, Says Wenger

Arsene Wenger says Alexis Sanchez will be at Arsenal next season even if does not sign a contract extension and has ruled out selling the Chilean to a Premier League rival.

There has been huge speculation over the forward’s future with Chelsea, Manchester City, PSG and Bayern Munich all rumoured to be interested in signing him.

However, Wenger is adamant the 28-year-old will be at the club next season and has ruled out a move to Chelsea or City.

“If he doesn’t sign a new deal, will I make him stay? Yes,” Wenger said via The Guardian. “Would I rather keep him than sell him to a Premier League rival? Yes. I don’t think you would sell him to any Premier League club, that is for sure.

“Why not? The question is more why would you sell him to another Premier League club? You want to be as strong as you can be and not strengthen the other teams.”

Wenger also insisted he was confident Sanchez would sign a new deal, claiming he is happy at the club and has shown a desire to remain in north London.

“I think he will sign and stay because, first of all, he is happy here,” he added. “His desire is to stay. That is what I deeply believe. The disagreements are purely contractual – not on the desire. Both parties have the desire to find an agreement, so I think it will happen.”

Wenger’s comments are great to hear and fans will be hoping the club can now persuade Sanchez to finally put pen to paper and commit his future to the Gunners.

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