Last chance Carver! Newcastle boss warns players it's winner takes all in relegation scrap

John Carver at Newcastle

The troubled Tyneside club are in danger of financial meltdown with a second relegation in six years if they fail to beat West Ham.

Anything less than a victory against revenge-seeking former boss Sam Allardyce will leave them heading for the Championship if Hull pull-off a shock win against Manchester United at the KC Stadium on Sunday.

Interim boss Carver has been ridiculed by fans for winning just two of his 19 games since replacing Alan Pardew at the start of the year.

Newcastle have taken only one point form the last 30 to leave them two points above the Tigers as the relegation rivals battle to avoid the last unwanted invitation into the Football League.

Carver warned his troops: "It's come to this and we've got to deal with it. There are no second chances now, no next weeks, it's the last game of the season and it's all about this one 'cup final'. We know it's a case of winner takes all."

Steve Bruce is out to cap a miserable four-and-a-half-month temporary reign for Carver, and Hull's Geordie-born boss said: "John's a good man who has found himself in a difficult situation. I don't think he'll want to manage any more!

"Joking aside, it's a difficult job for anyone, especially when you're up against it in this league."

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