Louis van Gaal: Arsenal are the best in the league but Chelsea have the KILLER instinct

But before his former Barcelona assistant Jose Mourinho blows a fuse the Manchester United manager was quick to point out that only Chelsea amongst the top sides possess the winning mentality.

It’s that ability to finish off games which sees Mourinho’s outfit look down on the rest – one which the Old Trafford boss admits he has still to instil into his squad as the Dutchman’s first season in England nears its end.

Even victory against the Gunners at Old Trafford this season is unlikely to see United finish any higher than fourth – meaning a two legged play off to qualify for the all important group stages of the Champions League.

United though have a decent record against the big boys this season – one which embraces wins against Arsenal, Manchester City, Liverpool and Spurs.

Asked if that proved that United were gaining a winning mentality as they look to re-enter the title race Van Gaal replied: “No because we are not champions and I think that’s a quality of the champion.

“Of course we have improved a lot but the way in which Chelsea can play and finish the games is something we have to learn still because that’s the big difference now with Chelsea.

“I also think Arsenal maybe have a better team than Chelsea, but they cannot finish like Chelsea.

Arsenal are the best team in the Premier League according to Louis van Gaal GETTY

Arsenal are the best team in the Premier League according to Louis van Gaal

“That’s also about talent and experience – John Terry and Gary Cahill. It’s different I think.”

United under Van Gaal are still a work in progress – but one which is heading in the right direction.

“We have played Manchester City with 10 men and we were better and in the home game better. Arsenal they were better there, we were better here.

“Chelsea we were equal at home and there much better in spite of what Jose Mourinho is saying.

“Against Tottenham Hotspur two times better. Liverpool at home was exaggerated. But there we played fantastic football.

“So the difference is not the level of the performance it’s to finish the game. And Chelsea has done that the best.”he added.

Van Gaal will try to rectify that in the summer through some decisive buying which has already begun with PSV Eindhoven forward Memphis Depay.

The United boss who has supplied a list of targets to executive vice-chairman Ed Woodward knows that the size of the fee – and the club are prepared to go large – doesn’t guarantee the finished article, £59.7 million Angel Di Maria emphasising the point.

For Van Gaal it’s about any potential Galatico needing to be part of the team ethos – the bedrock of any success.

He maintained: “I think the team is always better than the individual player. It’s more important, that’s my opinion.

“But okay I think when a player like (Lionel) Messi or (Cristiano) Ronaldo, whoever is mentioned, (Gareth) Bale, can contribute in that philosophy then they are pleased to come.

“In my opinion the first question is does he fit in the profile of the position that we want. That's the first question and the most important thing.

“Then the club shall negotiate and then it's out of my hands, because I am not negotiating and Ed Woodward is doing that. I'm not the man who decides that.”

Di Maria’s capture from Real Madrid last summer broke the British transfer record. Van Gaal won’t be afraid to set the bar even higher if it means bringing in someone like Real Madrid’s Bale.

“It’s not the money playing, the person is playing. He has to perform the way we want to perform as a club, as Manchester United. So when you buy players of £80m the pressure is unbelievably high,” he added.

“It’s not so easy for the player either. So it’s dependable of whether he can perform in the way we want. So that’s the most important thing.”

Van Gaal admits that the huge outlay on Di Maria has yet to reap dividends. Whether he is given another chance next season depends on the Old Trafford transfer activity of the coming weeks.

On the Argentinian he stated: “We have to wait and see. It is not because he doesn't have the quality. He has to perform in a way that we wanted. Not in the way I want, but in the way we want as a club.”

On the arrival of new players he added: “I look for the players who fit in our profile and then I say to Ed Woodward ‘ok I want this player in the first position and the second option is that player and then we go to third when they are not available’.

“But he is negotiating, I am not negotiating. I’m not buying. For me money is not important. You have to do what we want to do as a team.”

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