Report: Arsene Wenger ‘Agrees’ Two-Year Deal After Talks With Arsenal Board

Arsene Wenger has reportedly agreed to sign a new two-year deal with Arsenal’s hierarchy with his current terms expiring this summer. However he has yet to officially put pen to paper (via Mirror).

The Mirror claim Wenger has been locked in ‘crunch talks’ with majority shareholder Stan Kroenke and the Gunners board over his future with fan backlash reach new heights during the recent 3-1 loss to West Bromwich Albion.

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The long-standing Arsenal manager, who has been at the helm for the last 21 years, recently flew to Paris for the international break and gave a series of illuminating interviews.

With Arsenal enduring their worst run in the Premier League since 1995, with four defeats from their last five matches, the time is certainly not right for the announcement of Arsene Wenger’s future if he is to stay.

The Gunners are in a state of turmoil at present with the futures of their two biggest stars Alexis Sanchez and Mesut Ozil hang in the balance. The two stars may well be heading for the exit door especially if Wenger stays given the consistent lack of substantial investment in world class players while rival clubs sign some of the biggest names in football.

The Mirror’s report is certainly likely to be true given the access the paper has to Arsenal connections. However given the fact no contract is actually signed, if Wenger’s side fail to recover from their rapid decline then he will almost certainly depart this summer.

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