The Frechman had three firey seasons at Monaco where he had to channel his aggression and learn how to behave.
Wenger took over from Bruce Rioch at Highbury after 18 months managing Nagoya Grampus Eight in Japan.
And the Frenchman is coming towards the end of his 19th season at the club.
The 65-year-old has won three league titles and five FA Cups at the club and has built it up in his own image.
But Wenger says he has had to develop over time and take himself a step back so he can manage it properly.
“I was an absolute firebomb, I was absolutely mad,” Wenger said.
“You learn to express your ideas better with time, to anticipate problems better that you [used to], so you are not so surprised as when you are young.
“You take a bit more distance with what is happening. At a club like Arsenal you could not exactly behave like I behaved at the start.
“I have learnt to dominate my devils. I am not sure I have mellowed in my resolute attitude, but in the way I express my feelings and beliefs, certainly I have changed.”
Wenger’s assistant at Monaco, Jean Petit, says he remains a highly-competitive character.
“He does not like wrong decisions,” Petit said.
“He just does not like losing, but he has calmed down with age.
“At the start of his career in France, when things were not going well he tended to shout and get a bit too angry. But he was always measured.
“When we used to come into the office, we were always looking for things to move football forward. We didn’t do anything crazy.
"That said, we liked to have a laugh and Arsene is a very nice and fun guy.”