Arsenal Star To Return ‘Three Months’ Ahead Of Schedule

Arsenal forward Danny Welbeck is due to return three months ahead of schedule in a welcome bit of good news for The Gunners. The Englishman underwent knee surgery towards the tail end of last season and was expected to be out until the New Year (via

In one of the most miraculous stories of all time, there is good news coming out of the Arsenal physio room. Danny Welbeck was due to miss much of this season following an injury he sustained in a match against Manchester City in May but should now return ahead of schedule.

“The good news is that they had to go in and check how [his knee] is healing, and if the inflammation is healing,” Wenger told “It is healing even better than expected so we think he will be back in the New Year.

“It could’ve been April, so we gained two or three months on the last medical check.

“It gives him a lift because it motivates him to accelerate the process a little bit because when you don’t know what is going on inside the knee, you are a bit uncertain. Now he knows, he can go and work hard, so that is very good news.”

Arsenal will be eager to get Welbeck back out on the pitch following his impressive performances last season. However we should hope that this news doesn’t discourage Wenger and the Arsenal board from buying a striker in the transfer market.