Ospina, the most underrated keeper

The goal keeper is one of the most important and yet most underrated positions in a team. He is known to keep his team in a game when they have been outplayed. The most recent example is Joe Hart who did his utmost to keep the score presentable when Manchester City met Barcelona in the Champions League knockout stage. De Gea has continuously done it for Manchester United keeping them within touching distance of a top four berth while Courtois has continued his impressive form from his loan spell with Atletico Madrid making outstanding saves for Chelsea along the way.

Arsenal meanwhile started the season with Wojciech Szczesny as the undisputed number one but as usual he has cost us time and time again. His blunders against Southampton were comical to say the least. They were so ludicrous they beggar belief and to compound it all, he went ahead and smoked in the showers. Now I know people who smoke do it to alleviate their stress or so I have heard so I will not stay on the subject for too long apart from mentioning the fact that it did not paint a pretty picture.

Anyway, so Szczesny was dropped and David Ospina took his place between the sticks and has done more than a commendable job for the gunners. It has to be mentioned that while Szczesny kept an impressive number of clean sheets last season, most of it was down to the sheer hard work and understanding between Mertesacker and Koscielny.

Ospina has proved to be quite a revelation making crucial saves especially while the defence went through a shaky spell. Many people are blaming him for the goals he conceded in the first leg against Monaco but that is being harsh on him especially considering the whole team had such a stinker as a whole.

If this current team is to enjoy success this season, it will need a reliable keeper and Ospina has proved that he is more than capable of stepping to the plate.


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