[Video] Talented young stars impress in Arsenal skill school competition

Young duo Renny Smith and Marc Bola went head-to-head on Arsenal’s official YouTube channel, showing off their abilities in a skill competition.

The academy prospects were joined by their teammates, cheering them on as they strutted their stuff.

Smith went first, keeping it simple with a number of kick ups and a handful of round-the-worlds. He finished brightly, earning cheers from the crowd as the ball fell to Bola.

The Hale End graduate kept his display short and sweet, but wowed his teammates with a really big finish. They erupted with applause, and piled onto the defender to celebrate his victory.

The two stars look like fantastic prospects, and we could be seeing both players pushing for first team spots sooner rather than later.

The likes of Ainsley Maitland-Niles, Gedion Zelalem, Chupa Akpom, and Isaac Hayden have all been handed first team dubuts, and these two will certainly be looking to follow in their footsteps.


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