Wenger should stop selling players to title rivals

Wenger should wake up and start realizing the generosity of selling his best players to rival teams around him will never be reciprocated and we only end up getting hurt. What am I talking about? For as long as I can remember we have been getting the raw deal when it comes to getting players from teams like Chelsea or Manchester United. Manchester United practically begged us to take Mikel Silvestre off their hands and we all know what a disaster that turned out to be while it is fairly obvious who got the better deal in the straight swap between Ashley Cole and William Gallas.

Meanwhile Arsene Wenger has continued to develop young talent then ship them off to teams around him in the hope of turning a profit to the point that Arsenal began to be seen as a selling club. Manchester City have been the biggest beneficiaries with players like Nasri who moved for the money but also moved to a team that looked like it had bigger ambitions. Others have been Gael Clichy, for so long an understudy to Ashley Cole, and Emmanuel Adebayor although I have to say not a day goes by without me thanking God for taking him off our hands.

The one which probably hurts most fans, as well as his former teammates, is Robin Van Persie. He was a player who had suffered injuries throughout his Arsenal career and had never been a consistent goal scorer and yet Arsene Wenger kept faith with him all along. After having one good season, he left for pastures new with Manchester United and sure enough won the Premier League title in his first season although I am fairly sure that is the only title he is ever going to win. What really irks me is the way Wenger allowed him to go so easily. I have seen coaches threaten to drop players to the reserves to prevent them from going to a title rival but not Wenger.

The most painful rumour is the latest one of Theo Walcott who has been linked to Liverpool. It is due to the fact that Theo Walcott at the beginning of his Arsenal career was so awful that it led to someone saying that he doesn’t have a footballing brain. Now, when he has actually matured into a more than decent player, why would Wenger suddenly sell him to Liverpool? I hope this rumour is just that, a rumour, and Walcott signs a new contract.


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