Alexis Sanchez Tempted To Dump Arsenal For Chinese Super League

Arsenal ace Alexis Sanchez is yet to sign a contract extension with the Gunners but new developments reveal the forward might be considering a shocking move to the Chinese Super League.

According to the Sun, the Chilean is keeping his options open and might be tempted to go to the Far East for a major pay upgrade.

The Gunners are keen to tie him down to fresh terms but the demands of a £250,000-a-week salary from the 27-year-old has stalled negotiations so far.

Sanchez currently sits on a £130,000-a-week deal which expires in 2018 and failure to meet his demands will force the club to sell him at the end of this season or risk losing him for free the following year.

Reports reveal Alexis can bag as high as £300,000 a week should he move to Asia and his advisers are therefore keeping an open mind on the option.

A similar situation exists with Mesut Ozil who also hasn’t signed any extension to his current contract.

Alexis and Ozil are the Gunners two key players and losing them is something Arsenal absolutely cannot afford if they want to be serious title challengers.

While Arsenal’s coffers are certainly full, meeting such extortionate demands are likely to be beyond their means. The suggestions that Alexis, a player who is incredibly hungry for success, would consider moving to China while at the peak of his powers is ludicrous and it’s purely a ploy from his agents to apply more pressure on Arsenal.

The Gunners may have to blow their current wage structure, but would that be opening a whole new can of worms? They’d certainly would have to shell out as much on Mesut Ozil.

Hopefully the club can find happy medium for all parties. Arsenal cannot afford to lose Alexis just yet.